Saturday, February 19, 2011

She Ate My Heart!!!

There is a Poll -------->>>>>>>>>

In other news, my papers are going exceedingly well and I am almost finished :D I have ticked off 10 of the 13 Tasks/Forms and pretty much have 2 more questions left on each. Things are moving quickly which is what I like but after my visit to the doctors yesterday I found out I cant leave until August (I wanted to leave in May). This is because I had to have my Tetnus + Hep A Immunisations yesterday, and Hep A comes in two stages.. Yup I have to wait till August the 18th to have my 2nd Injection and I need to have all that done before I enter the MTC. 

Pretty guttering, but its all good. It just means that Ill be closer to 25 when I get home then I wanted to be (not that that is the reason for wanting to leave earlier, but it is part of it. The other part is I WANT TO GOOOOOO!!!! IM SO EXCITEEEEEEED!!) but seriously, Ill get back in the end of February 2013 and It'll pretty much be my birthday the next week. Oh well, Itll be a cool welcome home party??

Onto another story -- this week has been busy busy with appointments and work and life and after one of these busy + exhausting days I came home just wanting some chocolate. I was looking forward to eating a chocolate heart that my dearest mother bought especially for me for valentines day-- It was exactly what I needed -- I walked inside and into my room and had a chat with Tania who was in there. I explained about my difficult day and how I just wanted to eat my Chocolate Heart. As I said those words my eyes fell upon a crumpled red and silver foil wrapper..... She had eaten MY HEART!!! I may or may not have had a slight breakdown and Laugh-Yelled at her whilst dying inside (I was feeling a little emotional lol). It was a frustrating day and I was soo guttered!! I neeeded Chocolate lol

It puts another meaning to 'stole my heart' doesn't it. Feeling bad yet Taniwha??

haha Love youuuu

p.s this is what my heart looked like before Tania maliciously devoured it without my consent..


  1. I thought this was a Lady Gaga post when I saw the title! hahah oops that's "he ate my heart...i love that girl...he ate my heart." Btw good to see how the mission prep is coming along!!!! Nice work :D

  2. Haha Hana, I was channeling Lada Gaga for my title :D

  3. Once Paul ate my peice of banana cake that I was saving for after school. I have never forgiven him.
    I think you will be called to the Salt Lake City, Temple Square mission!

  4. im SORRY how many times do i have to say it. this post did have me crying with laughter though. you will be called to north america somehwere...

  5. OMG paul ate my last peice of bday cake too it is SO disappointing when you think you are saving something and some other fat pig (TANIA) eats it ah aah h a ha. She better have bought you a new one. I am torn between thinking you will go to temple square, or somehwere outrageous like madagascar. But really, you should stay here and baby sit like you said ha ha

  6. I say South American or Spanish speaking in North America...just because everyone else gets what I would want the most! hahah jokes but seriously that's my guess

  7. Hey Kim! Good on ya for blazing through the papers, they took me over a month. you should double check with your bishop how crucial that 2nd Hep A shot is, because in the Provo MTC they can still finish up your shots there and if you're learning a 2nd language you could be there for 9 weeks. I know the antsiness of wanting to go asap!
